bruijn standard library

This is the browsable standard library of the bruijn programming language. Follow any of the links below to see the source of the corresponding module.


  1. :import Box (9 definitions, 9 tests)
  2. :import Char (8 definitions, 28 tests)
  3. :import Combinator (70 definitions, 47 tests)
  4. :import IO (2 definitions, 0 tests)
  5. :import List (92 definitions, 98 tests)
  6. :import Logic (0 definitions, 0 tests)
  7. :import Math (36 definitions, 56 tests)
  8. :import Meta (34 definitions, 74 tests)
  9. :import Monad (0 definitions, 0 tests)
  10. :import Number (2 definitions, 3 tests)
  11. :import Option (8 definitions, 12 tests)
  12. :import Pair (13 definitions, 8 tests)
  13. :import Result (10 definitions, 18 tests)
  14. :import Set (5 definitions, 0 tests)
  15. :import String (26 definitions, 34 tests)


  1. :import Beavers (37 definitions, 0 tests)


  1. :import Number (21 definitions, 0 tests)


  1. :import Binary (18 definitions, 38 tests)
  2. :import Linear (11 definitions, 18 tests)
  3. :import Ternary (10 definitions, 30 tests)


  1. :import Complex (21 definitions, 4 tests)
  2. :import Rational (24 definitions, 22 tests)
  3. :import Real (38 definitions, 17 tests)


  1. :import List (14 definitions, 3 tests)
  2. :import State (3 definitions, 0 tests)


  1. :import Binary (52 definitions, 69 tests)
  2. :import Bruijn (6 definitions, 7 tests)
  3. :import Conversion (9 definitions, 8 tests)
  4. :import Pairing (2 definitions, 8 tests)
  5. :import Parigot (7 definitions, 1 tests)
  6. :import Scott (5 definitions, 13 tests)
  7. :import Ternary (70 definitions, 121 tests)
  8. :import Unary (31 definitions, 39 tests)
  9. :import Wadsworth (4 definitions, 5 tests)


  1. :import Balanced (24 definitions, 6 tests)
  2. :import Rose (14 definitions, 3 tests)

Total: 736 definitions, 799 tests