# MIT License, Copyright (c) 2023 Marvin Borner
# a box can store a single item very efficiently
# similar structure to std/Option
:import std/Logic .
:import std/Combinator .
# a empty box
empty true ⧗ (Box a)
# returns true if the box is empty
empty? [0 true [false]] ⧗ (Box a) → Boolean
∅?‣ empty?
:test (∅?empty) (true)
# builds a box out of a value
box [[[0 2]]] ⧗ a → (Box a)
<>‣ box
# returns true if the box is set
set? [0 false [true]] ⧗ (Box a) → Boolean
:test (set? <>[0]) (true)
:test (set? empty) (false)
# sets the value of a empty box, ignores argument if already set
store! [[∅?1 <>0 1]] ⧗ (Box a) → a → (Box a)
:test (store! <>[[0]] [[1]]) (<>[[0]])
:test (store! empty [[1]]) (<>[[1]])
# sets/overrides the value of a box
set! [[<>0]] ⧗ (Box a) → a → (Box a)
:test (set! <>[[0]] [[1]]) (<>[[1]])
:test (set! empty [[1]]) (<>[[1]])
# extracts value from a box or returns first argument if none
get [[0 1 i]] ⧗ a → (Box b) → c
:test (get [[0]] <>[[1]]) ([[1]])
:test (get [[0]] empty) ([[0]])