
# MIT License, Copyright (c) 2024 Marvin Borner
# Generic map implementation using AVL trees
# the key-value pair is stored in the tree as a Church pair
# some functions require a hash function!
# TODO: what about hash collisions??

:import std/Tree/Balanced T
:import std/Option O
:import std/Number N
:import std/Combinator .
:import std/List .

<?>‣ &[[[[[ 4 3 2 ^1 ^0]]]]] ⧗ (Compare Number)

# key to element (for searching)
↑‣ [0 : i] ⧗ k → (Pair k v)

# empty map
empty T.empty ⧗ (Map k v)

# returns true if a value is in a map
has? [[<?>T.has? ↑(1 0)]] ⧗ (k → Number) → k → (Map k v) → Boolean

# counts the key-value pairs in a map
size T.size ⧗ (Map k v) → Number

# returns the value of a key (or none)
lookup ( &ki) ∘∘∘ [[<?>T.find ↑(1 0)]] ⧗ (k → Number) → k → (Map k v) → (Option v)

# inserts (or replaces) a key with a value in a map
insert [[[<?>T.insert ((2 1) : 0)]]] ⧗ (k → Number) → k → v → (Map k v) → (Map k v)

:test (has? i (+2) (insert i (+2) "two" empty)) ([[1]])
:test (lookup i (+2) (insert i (+2) "two" empty)) (O.some "two")