
# MIT License, Copyright (c) 2022 Marvin Borner

:import std/Char C
:import std/Math .
:import std/Number/Binary B
:import std/Number/Conversion O

:input std/List

# returns true if two strings are the same
eq? eq? B.eq? ⧗ String → String → Boolean

…=?… eq?

:test ("ab" =? "ab") (true)
:test ("ab" =? "aa") (false)

# prefix for comparing functions
?‣ &eq?

# returns eq, gt, lt depending on comparison of two numbers
compare-case B.<?>compare-case' ⧗ a → b → c → String → String → d

<?>‣ &compare-case

# returns 1 if a>b, -1 if a<b and 0 if a=b
# also: spaceship operator
compare compare-case (+0) (+1) (-1) ⧗ String → String → Number

…<=>… compare

<=>‣ &compare

:test (compare "2" "2") ((+0))
:test (compare "2" "1") ((+1))
:test (compare "1" "2") ((-1))
:test (compare "12" "1") ((+1))
:test (compare "1" "12") ((-1))

# returns true if string is lexically less than other string
lt? c-lt? ∘∘ compare ⧗ String → String → Boolean

…<?… lt?

:test ("1" <? "2") (true)
:test ("2" <? "2") (false)
:test ("3" <? "2") (false)

# returns true if string is lexically greater than other string
gt? \lt? ⧗ String → String → Boolean

…>?… gt?

:test ("1" >? "2") (false)
:test ("2" >? "2") (false)
:test ("3" >? "2") (true)

# returns true if string is lexically less than or equal to other string
le? not! ∘∘ gt? ⧗ String → String → Boolean

…≤?… le?

:test ("1" ≤? "2") (true)
:test ("2" ≤? "2") (true)
:test ("3" ≤? "2") (false)

# returns true if number is greater than or equal to other string
ge? \le? ⧗ String → String → Boolean

…≥?… ge?

:test ("1" ≥? "2") (false)
:test ("2" ≥? "2") (true)
:test ("3" ≥? "2") (true)

# returns true if character is part of a string
in? B.?in? ⧗ Char → String → Boolean

…∈… in?

ni? \in? ⧗ String → Char → Boolean

…∋… ni?

:test ('b' ∈ "ab") (true)
:test ('c' ∈ "ab") (false)
:test ("ab" ∋ 'b') (true)
:test ("ab" ∋ 'c') (false)

# converts a string of digits into a number
string→unsigned-number list→number ∘ (map C.char→number) ⧗ String → Number

:test (%(string→unsigned-number "123")) ((+123))

# converts a signed string of digits into a number
string→signed-number [(sign ^0) (string→unsigned-number ~0)] ⧗ String → Number
	sign [(B.eq? 0 '-') -‣ i]

:test (%(string→signed-number "+123")) ((+123))
:test (%(string→signed-number "-123")) ((-123))

# converts signed/unsigned number strings to a number
string→number [ ^0 '0' signed unsigned] ⧗ String → Number
	signed string→signed-number 0
	unsigned string→unsigned-number 0

:test (%(string→number "123")) ((+123))
:test (%(string→number "+123")) ((+123))
:test (%(string→number "-123")) ((-123))

# converts a number to a string
number→string (map C.number→char) ∘ number→list ⧗ Number → String

:test (number→string (+123)) ("123")

# trims whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
trim w b (reverse ∘ (drop-while (ni? "\t\r\n "))) ⧗ String → String

:test (trim "  ab  ") ("ab")
:test (trim "\t\r\nab\t\r\n") ("ab")

# splits string by newline character
lines z [[rec]] ⧗ String → (List String)
	rec build (break (B.eq? '\n') 0)
		build [~0 [[[^3 : (5 1)]]] {}(^0) ]

:test (lines "ab\ncd") ("ab" : {}"cd")

# concats list of strings with newline character
unlines concat-map (\(…;…) '\n') ⧗ (List String) → String

:test (unlines ("ab" : {}"cd")) ("ab\ncd\n")

# slightly stretched DJB2
# WARNING: this may give weird results with/without padded zeros due to bad xor
hash O.²³‣ ∘ (foldl [[B.xor! (B.mul (+33b) 1) (B.mul 0 (+208121b))]] (+5381b)) ⧗ String → Number

#‣ &hash