
Bruijn has an arguably weird syntax, although it's not strictly meant as an esoteric programming language. Most notably the usage of lambda calculus logic, combinators, and de Bruijn indices can be confusing at first -- it's definitely possible to get used to them though!

Bruijn uses a variation of lambda calculus. For subjective syntax rules, read coding style. Also see the examples.


Bruijn works by defining named substitution rules, where each usage of the identifier will get substituted respectively. You can't use definitions before they are defined, every file gets substituted from top to bottom.

Since there's no other major syntactic block, bruijn omits the equal symbol for definitions.

For example:

# define `id` as [0]
id [0]

# [0] [0] ⤳ [0]
still-id id id

# `main` is now [0]
main still-id

Note that this does not actually extend the functionality of lambda calculus. These identifiers are static constants and can't be dynamically changed.

In fact, bruijn's interpreter works by producing one final huge lambda calculus expression for any given program, that then gets reduced by a normal lambda calculus reducer.

Open terms#

If you use de Bruijn indices that reach out of their environment, you have created an open term. Depending on the context, these terms are typically seen as invalid if standing by themself.

# open terms
open0 0
open1 [[2]]
open2 [[0 1] 1]

# closed terms
closed0 [0 [1]]
closed1 [[[2 0] 1]]

Bruijn does not give warnings for open terms and reduces them as normal. In some cases it's actually encouraged to use open terms as sub-terms for improved readability (see coding style suggestions).


Files can either be imported into a namespace (capital word) or the current environment (.):

:import std/Pair P
:import std/Logic .

main [P.pair true false]

All paths get the .bruijn extension appended automatically.

Only top-level definitions get imported using :import. If you also want to import second-level definitions (for example imported definitions from the imported file), you can use :input.

:input std/Math


Tests compare the normal form of two expressions. Note that the parentheses around the two terms are always mandatory.

:test ([0] [[1]]) ([[1]] [[1]] [0])

Execution succeeds silently. Example of failing test:

:test ([0] [[1]]) ([[1]] [0])

After running:

ERROR test failed: ([0] [[1]]) = ([[1]] [0])
      reduced to [[1]] = [[0]]

Tests are always run for the executed file and any files it contains. If they take too long and you're sure your code is correct, you can enable the YOLO mode to disable tests by using bruijn's -y argument.


Indented lines (by tab) act as a where statement for the less indented lines.

foo [[0]]

bar [0] foo
    foo bar
        bar [[1]]

# foo is still `[[0]]`
# bar is `[0] [[1]]`
main [[0 foo bar]]

Also note that bruijn does not support recursion -- you wouldn't be able to use bar in foo without its sub definition. See recursion to learn how to use recursion anyway.

Syntactic sugar#

Some typical data encodings are provided as syntactic sugar. You can learn more about the internal specifics in data structures.

  • Numbers: (SXB) where S is +/-, X is a number and B is the base of the encoded number (or t by default)
    • u for unary base (postive, Church): (+42u)
    • b for binary base (positive): (+42b)
    • t for balanced ternary (positive/negative): (-42t)
  • Characters: 'C' where C is any ASCII character
  • Strings: "X1..XN" where X1...XN are any ASCII characters
  • Quotes: `T where T is any lambda term (meta programming)


As of right now, typing is entirely optional and purely for documentation/aesthetics. Aside from syntax, types do not get checked in any way.

We do have plans to implement type checking in the future, unfortunately almost all trivial typing mechanisms for pure lambda calculus reduce its power immensely.

The current syntax of types is quite simple:

FUNCTION    := (TYPE → ... → TYPE)
IDENTIFIER  := [A-Z][a-z]*
SIGNATURE   := TYPE → ... → Type

The type signature can be written at the end of any bruijn term using the symbol.


# from std/Combinator
c [[[2 0 1]]] ⧗ (a → b → c) → b → a → c

# from std/List
empty? [0 [[[false]]] true] ⧗ (List a) → Boolean